User Guide

Basic Interface Overview

Mepo is a fast, simple, and hackable OSM map viewer for desktop & mobile Linux devices (like the PinePhone, Librem 5 etc.) and both environment's various user interfaces (Wayland & X inclusive). Its interface presents an SDL interactive application and auxiliary features are built out in scripts. The basic interface is essentially a OSM map that can be panned, zoomed, manipulated, and overlaid via 'pins' which are arbitrary points on the map which can be added by the user to mark locations (see below for a diagram of the general user-interface). Being a good unix citizen, the core application does one thing well, only focusing on displaying the map and visual overlays, and has no extra functionality; however mepo plays well with other applications and is scriptable and very customizable through its JSON API.

For end-users not interested in customizing the behavior of mepo, the application is bundled with sensible defaults including a default set of keybindings, touch-compatible configuration, and scripts written in plain shell which enable features such as POI searches, routing, and more. Throughout the rest of this guide it will be assumed the user is making use of the default configuration and has done no customization. See the install guide for information on installation and ensure you have both the mepo binary and mepo_* scripts installed before continuing.


The Bottombar

The UI features a diagnostic bottombar which indicates a number of numerical values based on the application state. Shorthand lettering is used to save visual screenspace. The background color of the bottombar changes based on tile downloading state. While in offline mode (tile_cache_network as 0), the bar will be red, while in online mode and idle the bar is white, while downloading UI tiles the bar turns green, and while downloading background cache / queued tiles the bar turns blue. See below for a visual labeling overview of the bottom bar and explanation of each item.


  • Lat/lon: Indicates latitude & longitude at left start of bar
  • Z#: Indicates the current zoom level (0-16)
  • O#: Indicates if tile_cache_network is set to 1 or 0 for online or offline respectively
  • P#: Indicates current pingroup (0-9)
  • Q#: Indicates number of queued UI tiles for downloading
  • B#: Indicates number of queued BG tiles for downloading
  • D#: Indicates number of current network transfers
  • M#: Indicates number of tiles loaded to GPU/Memory cache
  • S#: Indicates number of active shellpipe_async threads
  • Dl: #: Indicates number of megabytes downloaded since boot

The Bottom UI Button Bar

The UI features a bar of buttons in the default configuration indicated as text aligned in a bar at the bottom righthand of the screen. Under the hood this is actually built out using the bind_button JSON API command; so if you want to add your own custom buttons (tied to userscripts, etc.) this is doable.


  • Menu: Launch the central menu
  • Save: Saves the current state to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/savestate.json
  • Load: Loads the statefile located at $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/savestate.json
  • Relocate: Relocate the map via Nominatim
  • Nm: Search the current bounding box via Nominatim
  • Op: Search the current bounding box via Overpass
  • Dl: Download current viewport (all tiles in current/higher zoom levels)

The Top UI Button Bar

The UI features a bar of buttons in the default configuration indicated as text aligned in a bar at the top lefthand of the screen similar to the bottom button bar. The difference between this bar and the bottom bar is that this button bar only appears when there is a currently activated pin (this built out using the bind_button JSON API command with the first argument set to 1). Additionally the items in the top bar utilze bind_button's group number functionality for the 0-9 buttons to show a bar of color for each group transfer button associated with the group's color (and also the currently active pingroup will show as highlighted).


  • 0-9: Transfer pin to group # (hold button to transfer all pins to group #)
  • <: Switch to the previous pin in group
  • >: Switch to the next pin in group
  • Del: Delete currently active pin
  • Purge: Purge all pins in group
  • ~: Toggle pin detail metadata

Touch & Mobile Support

Using mepo on mobile linux devices such as the Pinephone, Librem 5, and postmarketOS devices and similar is a primary usecase. Take note of the following shortcuts:

  • One finger drag: Pan the map
  • One finger double tap: Zoom in
  • One finger triple tap: Zoom out
  • Two fingers pan gesture in: Zoom in
  • Two fingers pan gesture out: Zoom out
  • Three fingers rotate gesture clockwise: Increase UI fontsize
  • Three fingers rotate gesture counterclockwise: Decrease UI fontsize
  • One finger hold: Launch the central menu

Keyboard & Desktop Support

Ordinary desktop usage is supported. Ordinary one finger gestures referenced in the touch & mobile section also apply on the desktop; and in addition numerous hotkeys exist to allow functionality such as panning with vim-style keys and direct hotkeys to launch various scripts.

You can reference the default hotkeys by studying the default configuration. Take note of the bind_key commands to determine the applications' default keybindings.

The Central Menu

Since most auxiliary features such as routing, POI searches, etc. are built out in shellscripts (which utilize zenity for menuing & user input); the central menu provides a central way to launch different scripts on mobile via touch or on the desktop without having to remember numerous hotkeys.

Below is an image of how the central menu may appear:


Here's an explanation of each options available in the central menu. Within parenthesis after the script name is the associated hotkey for desktop users. Also note clicking on each item will show the script source for each:

  • Download: purge download queue (w): Clears the current download cache (background downloading of tiles).
  • Download: bounding-box custom zoom levels (interactive) (q): Queues the current bounding box / viewport of the map to be downloaded in the background. Interactive, in that user is prompted for the minimum and maximum zoom-level to be downloaded.
  • Download: bounding-box all zoom levels (non-interactive) (Q): Queues the current bounding box / viewport of the map to be downloaded in the background. Non-interactive, in that user is not prompted for zoom-level etc. All zoomlevels equal to and higher then the current zoom level are downloaded.
  • Pins: Drop pin at crosshair (f): Drops a pin at the crosshair location.
  • Update: Fontsize (Z): Updates the fontsize of the UI prompting the user for the input size. Presents menuing prefilled between sizes 12 and 30.
  • Update: Online/Offline toggle (m): Toggles the UI between offline and online mode (e.g. flipping the preference tile_cache_network).
  • State: Load (u): Loads the state (pins & preferences) from ~/.cache/mepo/savestate.json
  • State: Save (i): Saves the state (pins & preferences) to ~/.cache/mepo/savestate.json
  • Update: Tilesource (v): Updates the tilesource for the map to pull from. Note %1$d, %2$d, and %3$d are used to indicate X, Y, and Z variables respectively. Presents menuing with presets for OSM Maps, Stamen, OpenCycleMap etc.
  • Update: Zoom (z): Updates the zoom level based on users input. Presents menuing to pick from zoom levels between 1 and 16.
  • Relocate map: via search (g): Repositions the map latitude and longitude based on a Nominatim search query. Presents menuing to prompt user for input location and pick from Nominatim results.
  • Route: via GraphHopper (R): Allows user to route between the first two pins in the active pingroup via the publicly accessible GraphHopper instance. Change variables in the presented select list to toggle parameters.
  • Route: via Mobroute (Offline GTFS) (r): Allows user to route between the first two pins in the active pingroup via Mobroute. The route is calculated offline and GTFS data as needed is pulled automatically (see for details). The user is expected to provide the GTFS Feed ID (see for details. The request maybe slow on initial routes and will be fast subsequently as GTFS data is cached locally. For this to work the user should install mobroute from their package manager and ensure the "mobroute" binary is in PATH.
  • POI Search: via Nominatim (G): Searches for points of interest via the publicly accessible Nominatim API based on the current viewport. Presents menuing to prompt for input overpass query. Drops pins on the map for the resulting found points of interest in pin group 0; purging any previous pins in in group 0.
  • POI Search: via Overpass (b): Searches for points of interest via the publicly accessible Overpass API based on the current viewport. Presents menuing to prompt for input overpass query. Drops pins on the map for the resulting found points of interest in pin group 0; purging any previous pins in in group 0.
  • Location Pin: Center on user location (x): Determines the user location via GPSD or Geoclue. When provided with no argument runs the function droppinactivateandcenter which both drops a pin on the map and centers the map. Meanwhile the function droppin can be used in isolation to only drop a pin on the map in pingroup 6. This script may be used synchronously or asynchronously; within the default config droppin is used asynchronously via shellpipe_async. Note, due to deprecation of MLS; Geoclue may be less reliable or this script may not always work as expected recently - see:

POI Searches

Points of interest within the current viewport (bounding-box) can be searched both via Nominatim or via Overpass using the default included scripts. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, for specific name-based searches within a region, you should use Nominatim; while for flexible OSM-tag-based searches you should use Overpass.

As described above, Nominatim excels at name based searches. For example if you wanted to find a restaurant called "Joe's Pizza" you could type this directly into the Nominatim POI search script prompt. Or similarly to find a starbucks, you could just type in "starbucks" in the Nominatim prompt. Either select the Nm UI button to launch a Nominatim POI search or select POI Search: via Nominatim from the central menu.

Meanwhile, Overpass is more powerful and suited then Nominatim for POI searches based on OSM tags; for example if you wanted to find all coffeshops, (rather then just a specific name of a coffeshop such as "starbucks" in the previous example) you could search for the general OSM tag [amenity=cafe]. This will find all OSM relations matching this tag within the current bounding box. A number of prepopulated OSM tags are available within the provided Overpass script; however if you want to search any custom OSM tag, simply enter it and this will work just the same. Either select the Op UI button to launch a Overpass POI search or select POI Search: via Overpass from the central menu.


Routing may be accomplished by two mechanisms:

  1. Via the bundled GraphHopper Script: This script uses the public GraphHopper instance (via curl) to determine a walking/driving routes. This requires a network connection.
  2. Via the bundled Mobroute Script: This script utilizes the mobroute CLI for GTFS dataload & route calculation. GTFS data is loaded to the system upon first usage and then subsequent routes are calculated offline (see Mobroute's documentation for more details).

As for end-user experience: Both of the routing scripts use the same mechanism for determining from/to location to route and changing parameters. Before launching either routing script, atleast 2 pins must be active in the current pingroup which will be routed between (Note, you can drop arbitrary pins on the map by using the Pins: Drop pin at crosshair script in the central menu or by pressing the f hotkey). Once the routing script is launched you will be presented with a number of changable parameters as in the sceenshot below. It is very important to realize that changed rows must be selected before hitting the 'Route' button to confirm. Below is a screenshot of the route parameters menu:


Below is an example image of how a rendered route for GraphHopper may appear. Note each 'step' is added to the map as a pin in an ordered pingroup (and thus connected by a line):

Repositioning the map

You may reposition the map based on a Nominatim query. Select from the central menu the entry entitled Relocate map: via Nominatim. You may also press the button in the button bar entitled Relocate to launch this script as well. You will be presented with menuing to prompt for a Nominatim query. You may enter a region (e.g. like Vancouver Canada), a street address (like 20 Jay street), or a point of interest (like Washington DC capitol). Nominatim will be queried and you may pick from the resulting list to reposition the map.

You may also reposition the map based on geolocation select from the central menu the entry entitled Location Pin: center on user location. This script uses either Geoclue2 or GPSd to determine the user's position and both drops a pin on the map at that location and repositions the map as well to center on that pin. (Note: since the deprecation of MLS, the functionality of this script may be unreliable)

Clipboard functionality

The clipboard may be used to run arbitrary JSON API expressions or relocate the map to an specific geocordinate. Currently in the default configuration clipboard functionality is only accessible via keybindings.

The keybinding y yanks the current coordinates of the map into the clipboard in the format of lat, lon.

Meanwhile, the keybinding Shift-y can either restore geocoordinates (such as in the form lat, lon as yanked with y); or alternatively may run JSON API expressions code if not fitting the lat, lon pattern. Using Shift-y you may thus simply recall a previous location yanked with y (which is vaguely reminiscent of vim marks). If the pattern in the clipboard does not look like geocoordinates, what's in the clipboard on pressing Shift-y will be run as JSON API code.

User Configuration File

The defacto userconfiguration file is located at $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/config.json (e.g. ~/.config/mepo/config.json). Within this file, you may store JSON API commands to run. Reference the JSON API guide for more details.

A simple configuration file for mepo to store in ~/.config/mepo/config to reposition the map to Boston, MA, US and have an arbitrary bookmark pin named foopin placed on the map, might look like:

    "cmd": "prefset_n",
    "args": {"pref": "lat", "value": 42.3608}
    "cmd": "prefset_n",
    "args": {"pref": "lon", "value": -71.0573}
    "cmd": "prefset_n",
    "args": {"pref": "zoom", "value": 15}
    "cmd": "pin_add",
    "args": {
      "handle": "foopin",
      "pingroup": 3,
      "lat": 42.355 ,
      "lon": -71.0780

Save and Load

Both from the bottom bar Save and Load UI buttons and in the central menu scripts for the same, you can save and reload state. State is saved as JSON API commands to the file $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/savestate.json. The save and load functionality can help you quickly test search queries, manipulate the map, and subsequently reload a prior state.

In versions of Mepo prior to 1.3.0 autosaving/loading was integrated in the default configuration; after 1.3.0 autosaving/loading has been removed, and rather the user configuration file can be utilized if the user wants to automatically load something. If you want to restore autosave/load functionality as Mepo was configured prior to 1.3.0 had, you can add the following JSON API commands to your user configuration file:

    "cmd": "fileload", 
    "args": { "filepath": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/savestate.json"}
    "cmd": "bind_quit",
    "args": {
      "exps": [{
          "cmd": "filedump",
          "args": { "datatypes": "rp", "filepath": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/mepo/savestate.json" }

Offline Usage

Mepo prioritizes offline usage as a first-class usecase. The mepo application itself presents an SDL2 view of OSM tiles on the map along with a background thread that interfaces with curl for downloading tiles. This background downloading thread has the ability to be completely disabled through a JSON API preference named tile_cache_network (when the tile_cache_network property is 0, you'll see the bottom bar turn red and O0 indicating Mepo is offline; otherwise you are online by default). Do note tile_cache_network does not effect any scripts called.. if you wish to use scripts utilizing Nominatim or Overpass etc. offline for example for running your own instances locally, these ENV parameters are customizable (see the associated mepo_* scripts in your PATH).

Downloading tiles interactively (via UI): By default, dragging the map will download tiles on the screen as needed assuming you are online (tile_cache_network is set to 1). In addition to this default behavior; the button bar entry labeled Dl will download all tiles in the current viewport (current zoom level and higher) to the filesystem cache. (E.g. so you may zoom out and download an entire givne region for all zoom levels). Additionally; you may also select Download: current bounding-box (non-interactive) from the central menu for the same functionality. The entry Download: custom region (interactive) in the central menu allows you to download a custom region via Nominatim search query.

Downloading tiles non-interactively (via commandline): It's a common use case to need to download an entire block / bounding box of tiles while online before going offline. For example, say if you want to use your phone with mepo but are not sure you'll not have internet access at your destination. To facilitate downloading of tiles, you may do this from the UI using the Dl button as described above, but mepo additionally features a non-interactive tile downloading CLI accessible through using the -d flag. This flag should be suffixed with a list of 6 comma separate parameters (no whitespaces) in the form of lat_a,lon_a,lat_b,lon_b,zoom_min,zoom_max. Zoom min and max can range from 0-16. For example, to download a bounding box:

mepo -d40.74946,-74.04673,40.818358,-73.88211,3,16

This may be a bit more involved then you would like to get, so as an alternative you can use the provided script which provides a prompt-driven dialog which queries Nominatim to determine the bounding box to download and then feeds this into mepo -d. Run this script as:

GeoJSON Import

The script bundled with mepo named can be used to convert standard GeoJSON to the relevant JSON API pin_add commands. This script may be used in a few different ways.

You can add the GeoJSON converted points to your config by appending the result to your config:

cat my_geojson_file.json | > ~/.config/mepo/config.json

Or this script may be in combination with mepo's -i flag to turn mepo into a standalone GeoJSON viewer (note: see more details on using mepo -i here). For a quick example: alternatively to using the Mobroute interactive routing script as explained in the routing section above, you directly can view the output of mobroute CLI's generated GeoJSON routes directly on boot in mepo via:

mobroute run route -rp '
    "route_params": {
      "feed_ids": [ 1088 ],
      "from": [ 50.85728, 4.351426 ],
      "to": [ 50.83214, 4.350534 ],
      "transfer_categories": [ "f", "i" ],
      "output_formats": [ "geojson" ]
' | jq '.geojson' | | paste -sd' ' | mepo -i


Mepo features an extensible JSON API which is used both for end-user configuration and arbitrary scripting. See the JSON API page for configuration details; and scripting guide for more information on JSON API usage.

CLI Options

  • -docmd : Print markdown documentation for the JSON API to STDOUT.
  • -i : Read JSON commands from STDIN continually (newline seperated). Can be used for interactive debugging or scripting via: tee | mepo -i or ./myscript | mepo -i.
  • -e : Enable debug mode to log messages to STDERR.
  • -hw : Force using hardware renderer rather then default auto (HW/SW) renderer.
  • -sw : Force using software renderer rather then default auto (HW/SW) renderer.
  • -tx# : Number of textures to load to (GPU) memory for both OSM & pile tile layer cache (defaults to 200).
  • -v : Print version number.
  • -h : Print this help text.
  • -dlat_a,lon_a,lat_b,lon_b,zoom_min,zoom_max : Non-interactively download tiles for given range.