

Mepo is written in Zig and additional functionality is provided through auxiliary shellscripts. Mepo's source code is hosted on srht and licensed as GPL3. Patches should be sent to the mailing list as described below. Sourcecode can be obtained from the links below:

Tickets & Mailing List

The mailing list for mepo is used for bug/feature discussions, patches, and release announcements. Patches should be sent to the mailing list via git-send-email (a guide for git-send-email is available here). Meanwhile, the ticket tracker can be used for bug/feature discussions as well. Please search the ticket tracker before filing a new bug or feature request.

IRC Channel

The IRC channel for mepo is #mepo on The channel op is mla (Miles). This IRC channel can be used for ad-hoc support and general discussion of mepo.


Credits to the following contributors whose work has helped improve mepo and can be viewed in git shortlog. This list is regenerated on each release.

Contributors List:

  • Alex McGrath
  • Anjandev Momi
  • Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
  • Jan Beich
  • Julian P Samaroo
  • Lucca Pellegrini
  • Miles Alan
  • Nguyễn Gia Phong
  • laalsaas
  • lauren n. liberda
  • lpt